Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A Favored Companion

Daniel and I just had a dinner date with two of my new favorite people: Jim and Elizabeth Larkin. I know that it may sound silly, but it's been such a long time since I made new friends. Now that I think back, the one thing I always looked forward to when a new semester of school rolled around was seeing who I'd meet in my classes. It's been two years since my last semester at A&M and I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't ventured very far. Maybe I'm someone who craves comfort. I've taken jobs with existing friends and have lived in cities where there are girlfriends from home. Now, I'll soon be working with my mother at my very own high school! Yay! I'd say that I have a tendency for seeking out familiarity. Is this a good thing? Should it be my goal to become more adventurous? Hmmm...

Back to my new friends. I love friends! Jim and Liz are Aggies and we met them in Sunday school a few weeks ago. Now, don't get me wrong...I'm not cutting anyone out (as Phoebe and Monica would say), but it has been so nice to get to know people that I didn't know in high school or in college. I don't know what it is about them. I'll use Merideth and Garrett Dodd's expression and say that "they're just so us". We don't feel like we just met, but I know that we always look forward to getting to know them better. We laugh a lot and tell stories that we've never told one another before. When we finally glance at our watches and realize that it's past 10pm on a week night (and I'll be a grump if I don't go home and go to bed SOON), I'm already looking forward to the next time that we'll be able to get together.

I love my friends. While each of them means something different to me, I believe that every person in my life makes me so much better than who I would be without them. Thank you for allowing me to be myself - faults and all. I am so grateful for our friendship.
Elizabeth...I can't wait to hold your babies (someday)!

Daniel, your friendship means more to me than any other (sorry guys and gals!). You are my favored companion.



faith said...

this blog layout is so perfectly you... all that pink and black.

yay for bloggin!! =)

5 Chicks and a Farmer said...

Hey Sweet Friend,

I'm so glad that you have a blog! Now we can be 'blog sistas'.

I can't wait to read about what makes you tick!

Let's do lunch soon, okay?

p.s. I'm sooo adding you to my peeps!