Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Koenig Fischer

Read here: http://www.southernbulbs.com/blog/

I've spent part of my morning mourning a dog that I've only met once. That's the power of friendships though, both with people and with animals...it shakes you to the core when someone loses someone or something dear to them.

To Chris W:

I'm sitting at home with my little curly headed mop of a dog sleeping beside me, crying my eyes out. I love reading your Fischer stories and I love how you told the story of his life today. I hurt for you, dear friend. I can't imagine how you must feel. There are people in the world that don't understand animal lovers and could never understand mourning the death of a pet. That's just it though: Fischer wasn't just a pet. He became one of your best friends - "someone" that you could rely on to always be there to experience life right alongside you. I understand because I'm an animal lover myself.

I pray that your heart heals quickly but never forgets to remember your adventurous and funny friend. I love you and can't wait to wrap my arms around you!

-Sarah Shalley

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