Monday, September 19, 2011

Parker {Five Months}

Oh, my Parker boy...Mama is so so in love with you. I have to be honest, sweet man. I didn't know if I would like being a stay at home Mama. I never envisioned this kind of life {at all} and I had some serious doubts about whether or not I'd be able to spend day after day with you and not want to lose it. I'm used to big kids, loud mouths, lots of interaction/conversation. I'm not used to lots of spit up, fussing, laundry, bottle making, errand running, or meal planning. Ahhhh, but our days are filled with so much more! I get to see every smile, every little sigh and wrinkle of the forehead as you figure things out. I'm the one who holds you when you cry, rocks you to sleep and greets you when you wake up from a nap. Sure, we have our bad days and some really cranky moments, but I wouldn't trade these days with you for anything. Promise. *Extra special thanks to Daniel for working so hard each day. Not only do you support us, you allow me to love on our boy every day. Each moment is priceless. Thank you.
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Eating You love love love to eat! Mama is making your baby food and we've tried so many good foods. Your first was sweet potato and it is a favorite. You've also tasted avocado, banana, green bean and apple.You started out with just 1-2 ice cubes of one food but have grown to love food so much that you now eat 2 cubes of 2 different foods {fruit for breakfast and veggies for dinner}. You know what food is and where it belongs. I love that you are grabbing the spoon and pulling it to your mouth to "help mama". Smart boy! You take 4-5 bottles a day. I've increased the number of ounces you're taking in the morning so that you aren't starving from bottle to bottle. You also reach for your bottle and make your "hungry bird" face that I LOVE. BIG NEWS - we night weaned this month and you are no longer taking a bottle in the middle of the night. It wasn't too bad {easier than I thought}. Can't believe you're so big.
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Sleeping The very first night it was "just the three of us" in our new house, I began sleep training. Sweet Amy Vaughn sent a book that I read through as fast as I could. We spent a week working on falling asleep on your own {no more rocking to sleep. boo!} so that you could fall back asleep during the night. You're improving and waking up far less. We've established a routine too: wake up at 8am, eat breakfast, play and drink a bottle, nap from 10-12, play and drink a bottle, run errands or hang out at home and squeeze in an afternoon nap, go for a walk and check the mail to kill time before dinner, dinner at 6pm, bath and bed time at 7pm. It's a full day! You have taken to this and adjusted better than I could have hoped.
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Measurements- You don't go to the doctor until next month. Thank goodness we found a pediatrician in SA. I stood on the scale with you and you weigh about 16 and a half pound. Big boy! You're wearing 3-6 or 6 month clothing.
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All About You - What a big month! We're all moved to San Antonio. You were so so good the week of the move. I couldn't have asked for a better baby man. Your personality has developed so much and I love the sweet, funny boy you've become. You've found your feet and are able to get them in your mouth. You hold your tongue between your lips. There's some definite teething going on - drool monster! You are now able to reach for objects and bring them to your mouth {my favorite is when you say "ooooohhhh" with your little bird face and grab your bottle}. You still love to walk and prefer to be in someone whose standing's arms. You get frustrated with your jumper after a few minutes, but you're slowly building up to more time in it. Yay! I will love when you have more to do. You are spending more time on your play mat and don't fuss quite as much when I put you on your tummy. You're able to drink from a sippy cup and love splashing and kicking in the bath tub. You are super happy and spread joy everywhere you go.
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This is one of Mama's FAVORITE faces. What a flirt! I don't mind. You're adorable, my Parker.
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Likes - You want anything that Mama has in her hands - favorites are my cell phone and drink or your bottle. You love going shopping/ errand running since I wear you in the Moby wrap. Your cuteness stops traffic everywhere we go! You love your O-ball, watching tv, walking and looking at things, talking and smiling, going for a stroll and getting attention from bulldog, Mama and Daddy.
Dislikes - Jumper toys that you can't put in your mouth, being left in jumper/bed or on floor for too long.

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