Saturday, September 3, 2011

Road Trip to Nav. Round 1.

We have season tickets to A&M football games. This means lots of packing, loading and driving every other weekend or so. It can be quite an ordeal, but once we're on the road it's all worth it. We get to see lots of friends and a big chunk of family when we're in the BCS area.
parkerseptember - 12
Parker has learned to reach for things!
parkerseptember - 13
Cookie and Chief don't have a bath tub at their house so Parker has what we now refer to as "spa day" in the kitchen sink. He loves that Cookie's faucet head can be held and pressed against his chest and tummy as water runs over him!
parkerseptember - 14
parkerseptember - 15
parkerseptember - 16
Meet Ruby {if you can see her}. Chief, my Dad, is the biggest sucker when it comes to dogs. So here we are, with four inside dogs and three outside dogs {this includes my two}. We're officially outnumbered: dogs - 7 adults - 6 baby -1. Harley is considering whether or not to eat her as a snack, I think.
parkerseptember - 18

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