Thursday, January 19, 2012

Parker {Nine Months}

Parker Parker,
Month nine was short! We spent a lot of time planning Christmas gifts, wrapping gifts, packing for our trip to Van Vleck and getting our own house ready for a week of visitors. I've never really loved Christmas {Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday} and for such a little man you sure made this first Christmas together an exciting one. I can't wait for you to understand that we're celebrating Jesus' birthday and watch you grow excited about the spirit of Santa Claus. It will be so much fun for me to witness everything from your sweet perspective. For the new year, we road tripped to College Station to see our friends. It was so much fun to surprise them all and get some much needed hugs. You stayed at Cookie's house while Daddy and I got a few hours of grown up time. I'm so proud of how well you did. January kind of snuck by us, my man. The weather wasn't always on our side but we made the most of it and played inside a lot. You love all the toys you got for Christmas and have been such a BOY as you make noises and play with trucks, tractors and balls. I love to watch you look everything over and select your favorite toys from the basket. You play independently for quite a long time before coming over to Mama and demanding some of my attention.
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I am in love with the look on this boy's face. He's the sweetest thing I know.
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Eating - You eat and eat and eat and eat. Sometimes I can't believe that you can possibly still be hungry. I love that fixing a meal for you is quite easy since your appetite is huge and healthy. You love everything that I love: pizza, pasta, bread, and fruit. Oh I love that you'll wolf down a grilled cheese! I try to make sure we get plenty of fruits and veggies since we both treat carbs as our favorites. You're drinking 8 ounces in the morning, two 4 ounce bottles during the day and an 8 ounce bottle at night. Just recently you've started to turn away from your night time bottles after only drinking 1-2 ounces. Dr. Gonzales says it's okay and that this will actually make weaning you much easier. It's probably just a phase...I think you'll be back to drinking your bottles soon.
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Sleeping - Your sleep is consistently good. You are starting to wake up a little earlier and then stay awake longer in the mornings. I put you down around 10 and you sleep until noon each day. We run errands and I keep you up until about 3 unless we've gone to MOPS or had some other activity that has worn you out. A busy  morning changes our nap routine just a little bit. We've started having play time for about 20 minutes before you go to sleep at night and it's the most fun time. All three of us laugh so hard  at the silliest things! I remember playing with my Daddy when I was a little girl and I hope this time with us is just as special for you. You're sleeping from around 8:30pm- 7:30am.
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Measurements - At your nine month appointment you weighed 20 pounds 6 ounces and were 27.70 inches. This puts you in the 30th and 40th percentiles. While I think you're a big boy, you apparently aren't too big among your peers. Looking at the above photos, your leg looks short from waist to knee and reminds me of your Aunt Shannion and her babies {when they were little}. Regardless, you are healthy and perfect and Mama loves you.
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All About You - When you turned six months old, I rocked you to sleep and cried as I whispered prayers over you before putting you in your bed. Tonight, I didn't so much as stand a chance at holding you! You're standing, bouncing, flailing backwards, leaning over the arm of the chair and acting all kinds of wild at bed time. You cried because I made you go to bed. Still, I can't believe how fast you're growing up. I have to constantly remind myself not to blink for fear I'll miss something sweet. You have graduated from crawling to crawling so fast I don't always know where you are and you pull up and stand as much as you can. You love to play with Daddy at bed time. We've taught you to "fall down" and you topple right over on our bed, then sit up and smile so big because you know you've just made us proud. You're very interested in all of your toys. A favorite has been your drum but you're starting to stand up at the basket to see what else is in there.You now have a big boy car seat. I'm hoping that this will make our car rides more comfortable and tolerable for you. You're in to everything! I have to watch you very closely to make sure you're not touching something that you shouldn't. It's so funny that you somehow find everything that you shouldn't touch!
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Likes -musical toys, cell phones, computer, scooting stools on floor, dog's water bowl, remote controls, electrical outlets, Ellie's red coupe car
Dislikes -when something is taken away from you, sitting still, being held like a baby boy
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My son, how is it that you possibly get cuter? My eyes fill with tears and my heart swells with pride each and every time I look at you. I am so fortunate to be such a big part of your life. I love that I am present for every thing that happens each day. I am proud to be yours.

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