Thursday, April 21, 2011

Coming Home

After three nights in the hospital, we were MORE than ready to break out of the there and get home as soon as possible. Our hospital room had been flooded with visitors for two straight days and we wanted nothing more than to get away from the nurses and noise and be alone with Parker boy and the puppies in our own house. It took FOREVER to get discharged and get on the road. We made a few stops, but were in Navasota before we knew it. Daniel and I were super excited to see the girls. Finally, we all five made it home and got the car unpacked. I laid down with Parker while Daniel went to fill my prescription and pick up a few groceries. Everything felt normal for a few hours...then the puking started. Honey girl does not adjust to newness well. I knew this, but I couldn't quite expect the night that we'd have. She threw up on the closet floor, on the bed, in the bed and on Daniel's pillow. We decided to kennel her in order to contain the mess, but I was really nervous that she wasn't okay. Even though I swore that I wouldn't put my baby in my bed, Parker ended up in bed with us so that he'd sleep soundly. I ended up crying most of the first night. The schedule we'd had in the hospital was out the window and the sweet, quiet baby I'd met in College Station was much fussier at home with his mama and daddy. We spent an exhausting night trying to figure out nursing before we had to get up early the next day for a pediatrician's appointment. Ahhhh, home sweet home.
parker - 5
Falling asleep after nursing.
parker - 6
Bekah love!
parker - 7
In the carseat, ready to go home!
parker - 8
A little smile.
parker - 9
parker - 10
We're a family of three!
parker - 11
My sweet punkin'.
parker - 12
He definitely has Wilson hands!
parker - 13
 parker - 0
About to go night night with Daddy

Today's Events:
Weight: 6 pounds 13 ounces
First car ride
Went home
Met Honey & Harley

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