Monday, December 19, 2011

Parker {Eight Months}

My Wild Parker Boy,
You're growing so fast that I can hardly keep up with your monthly letters and sticker photo shoots. The 19th is always just around the corner. This month we celebrated Thanksgiving in both Van Vleck and Navasota, graduated to eating strictly finger foods, decorated for Christmas and spent more time indoors than usual. Your Daddy even put lights on the house! It's been cold off and on here in San Antonio but the winter has been mild so far. You have continued to learn more and more each day. I love the look in your eye as you think things through and then try and execute whatever it is that you have in mind. You have wanted to crawl so badly for so long and finally you gave in on the 12th of this month. I did have to get the video camera out to coax you off your booty, but you were headed my way before you ever knew what you'd done! What a proud moment for me. Admittedly, I teared up. I know that we have so many firsts together, but it's hitting this Mama hard that our first year of firsts is almost over. We were able to spend a lot of time with family over the holidays and you were the center of attention at every gathering. You are so loved and so so rotten because of it {I wouldn't have it any other way}. Your grandparents and aunts make over you like you're the only thing on earth that's ever been this cute...I think they're right. After all, you're the only thing in the world that I love so much.

Eating - You have mastered this skill. Since Thanksgiving, you've been eating three meals of finger food a day. You'll eat anything I give you and have no problem sharing my meal with me. This makes feeding you so much easier and I love it. You still drink your same four bottles a day and now drink water from a sippy cup with a straw. Yay!
Sleeping - You are an amazing sleeper. Finally. Oh, I'm so glad. I put you down for your naps and bedtime and you fall asleep all on your own. Big boy! You're taking two naps a day: usually 10-12 and 2/3- 4/5 and sleep a full twelve hour night from 8/8:30pm-8am. I love this! Occasionally when we travel, you don't do quite as well but I have learned to expect this. I don't sleep as well when I'm not at home either.
Measurements - I took you in for your second flu shot and you weighed in at 20.4 pounds. You're definitely a healthy man. You're wearing 9 month clothes.
All About You - You are so so happy. Every morning you greet me with a smile and immediately look to see where your dogs are. You've figure out that they follow Mama around all the time. You're so eager to eat that you'll let me feed you anything. We play hard for a few hours and then you take a good nap. I don't have to do much to help you fall asleep. You just talk and play until you fall over in your crib. It's pretty precious and I sometimes find you in the craziest positions. You are on the move! Still figuring out crawling, I know you'll soon be very speedy and I won't be able to keep up with you all the time. I certainly need to make sure I get the house as baby proofed as possible. You absolutely love to be out and about. You are the most curious baby and stare people down as you access them and the situation. I love to watch you watch people and things. We talk to everyone so you certainly aren't shy. You started going to school at Shearer Hills just one day a week and seem to do very well. As you get older, I know you will look forward to playing with friends and being around others. I'm proud that I can hand you over to just about anyone and you do fine {as long as Mama doesn't stick around}. You smile and laugh and talk all day. I love that your sounds are boy! There is an awful lot of spitting and grunting taking place. You can now say Mama , Baba. Da and Guh. I'm looking forward to watching you react to the events at Christmas. I know it'll be such a joy to have you here this year.
Likes - eating, drinking, playing, cell phones, crawling, being as close to Mama as possible, bouncing, climbing up me, looking at new things, tv
Dislikes - being too far from Mama, not being picked up when you want to be, having to wait too long to eat, not being allowed to play with a cell phone

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