Saturday, February 13, 2016

Week 6 | February 7 - February 13

Papa, Grana and Nanny were here right after church. We fed boys, put Pierce to bed and made lunch for ourselves before an afternoon of playing outside. Today was gorgeous. I stayed in to get a workout in (loved the preview of 22 Minute Hard Corps) and

I heard the cry through the open window as I was finishing up. I knew before I saw him that he was hurt. Glancing through the bedroom window, I saw Daniel carrying my big boy baby across the park. I met him at the side walk, Parker's face covered in blood. He is every bit my child when hurt or sick...screaming, crying, drama. It's so hard not to laugh. Because I know. We just can't keep all the feelings in.

Turns out he took a big spill on his bike and landed on his face. Once we took his helmet off and got his bloody mouth rinsed, I was able to check his teeth and see that he just has a few scrapes and skins and a BIG FAT lip. This boy has always loved watching himself cry in the mirror. After he calmed down he saw himself in the mirror and laugh-cried.
Selfie from the teary eyed man and snuggles in mama's bed and some paw patrol and he is much much better.
I hate when my baby isn't 100% but I love a chance to cuddle up close. Little brother was so so sweet and snuggled up close, kissing Parker's head and stroking his hair to make him feel better. I melted.
A very appropriate Sunday photo. No smiles today!
Nanny & Papa set off for a trip across Texas to visit all our cousins. Quick pic before they go! So glad for our visit. And Pierce is driving cars all over my wall. That boy.
Spotty dog! Our fave.
Monday night milestone: Pierce ate at the bar tonight! I can't wait for him to continue to grow more confident sitting here. I love having my kiddos across the island from me.

It's a small thing but I love it -- brothers at the bar. 😍 And also, all I do in this season of life is feed people. Especially the little brother. I've never met a hungrier person. They wear me out but I'm taking a few minutes a day to exhale slowly and feel oh so grateful. 

Night time prayers with our Spotty and Pierce needed to say "cheeeeese, potty dog" while we took his photo. Also, Bully. She spends her days napping and sometimes I'm really just jealous of her sweet life. 
Bed time prayers. It makes my heart nearly jump out of my chest to see him talk to God out loud. So thankful for his relationship with Jesus.

My Pierce is sooooo into books right now. Light morning read: Star Wars Find It. Ha! 
This guy skipped a nap today and played with play dough. He made me a heart and proudly carried it to me to show me. Oh buddy, you have mama's whole heart. Always have. Thank you for showing me your love in the simplest of ways.

Each morning I go into Pierce's room alone, the first words out of his mouth are "My Parker? My daddy? See Parker Mommy." I'm certainly "chopped liver" but it's okay...this dude really loves his brother and wants to be near him all the time. One hug and kiss and done -- no more. 


Pierce wanted something. I said no. He fussed and gave a pouty look and of course Parker handed it to him. 


Parker got all three clicks on his own today. Maybe some day I'll have less people to buckle and can just do quick checks.Off we go into school...all signs of baby are vanishing from my little boy. 

Class party with my Parker. I LOVE getting to be a part of the special events his preschool invites us to. 
My loves:
Pierce Daniel -- this is NOT ok. Stop climbing on everything. I need to be able to walk away from you and know you aren't going to break your self. 
Ohhhhh, mornings at home. They are few so we soak them up! 
Cutest cookies ever from Bessie Bakes. I shouldn't have eaten them but oh my they are SO GOOD. 
It's always a proud moment when you get to carry Daddy's gun to the safe for him. 
Watching Pierce, I can't help but wonder HOW he's so big. He does at (not quite) 2 what Parker did at 3. And Parker was a big boy too! Goodness, everyone is growing up so fast in this house. 
I'm super proud and impressed by their skills. 
My whole heart. All 5 are t-r-o-u-b-l-e! 
Chocolate cake and motorcycle rides before bedtime!
Needing something else for the boys to do, Daniel made them a rock yard! It was a fave in San Antonio and occupied Parker for great lengths of time. Hopefully they love this one too!
Dinner with friends and the kids put on a little show for us! 

Another week of sweet Pierce sleep!

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