After church, we came home for naps and rest then met up with friends for dinner. The kids did so well at one end of the table. They really do love spending time together and it is sweet to see them interact on their own.

Not really sure what my Pierce was up to but he wouldn't stop. Look at this after dinner craziness--->

Sunday night's sleep ended up sucking big time. There's just no other way of putting it. I think 20 minutes was the most consecutive amount of sleep I got until somewhere around 3am. Pierce coughed and coughed and couldn't get any relief. He cried out in his sleep so much that I went upstairs to give him a little cold water and medicine and rock him. He was up bright and early and sounded like a sea lion barking so I grabbed him for snuggles and chocolate milk in my bed and called the doctor as soon as they opened. We are dealing with a case of croup. Lots of oils, 2 rounds of oral steroids and some good sleep and he should be feeling better soon.

Because of his appointment, we missed swimming so we headed to Sam's to grab a few things and kill some time before a nap. The boys did well and enjoyed a pretzel snack.

Pierce was ready for bed right at noon. This gave Parker and I some much needed time alone. I love watching this boy be BIG. He's loving legos and the fact that he gets to play with them all by himself while Pierce naps.

Parker had a plan all his own and made it come to life. As soon as I came downstairs from putting Pierce to bed, he got his bike and helmet and jacket and cap gun. I was told "it's a lovely day" and that he was going to ride his bike across the street. I grabbed a cup of coffee and a blanket and my bible study and sat on the porch to keep an eye on him. He's so determined.

Pierce had to stay home from school on Tuesday, but he got in a little play time before his brother took off. These two do everything together. Pierce is very rarely at home alone. He cried "my Parker" as we drove away from preschool. I'm thinking this buddy may need three days of school in the fall so he's occupied!

It was a long day with my little boy home but we ended the chaos and crazy with snuggles of happiness and love. I adore these three so much.

Wednesday Daniel left for a funeral in Lousiana. He left his boots by the door and there was just something about this image that struck me.

Yesterday I emptied Parker's backpack and saw this. I crossed the kitchen, held his little face in my hands and my eyes welled with tears as I spoke of my pride and gratitude. Parker is the.KINDEST.most thoughtful. love bug ever. We talk DAILY about showing kindness and God's love to others. So so so proud that at 4.75yrs old, he gets it. I'm thankful he boldly follows his heart and I pray my boy is always a friend to others and stands out amongst the crowd. Mama loves you, Parker and thinks you're the sweetest friend! Big thanks to Mrs Smith for acknowledging this small little act of kindness.

Thursday the brothers were back in action TOGETHER. Pierce loves to be just like his big brother and even grabs his backpack and heads to the garage like Parker does. My hope is that they are always such close friends. Parker wanted badly to take his own picture with Pierce but couldn't work the camera and the hugging action all at once so I snapped a quick pic of my smiling big boy.

Friday morning we had a makeup swim lesson and then ran to Target to grab a gift for a friend's birthday party tomorrow. Parker decided he too needed a new little box of legos. It's so hard to say no! I've really got to work on coming home with no unnecessaries from the store. The boys and I sat on the floor for at least an hour and helped Parker work through the instructions for putting these tiny little blocks together. I loved legos as a kid but as a parent, they're a bit more frustrating.

Daniel surprised Parker by planning a backyard camp out. They had a fire and slept in the tent! I know Parker will always remember this first little camping experience with his Daddy. I'm not a camper and absolutely do not love it at all but I'm thinking I may have to put my big girl panties on some day so that I don't miss out.

Saturday we headed one neighborhood over to celebrate Gage, one of Parker's friends from school. They had so much fun seeing one another outside the school environment. Luckily, the boys are zoned for the same elementary school and have some plans to play tball together so they should be able to remain friends. This excites me because Gage is the first friend here in Cypress that belongs to Parker and isn't a side affect of Daniel and I being friends with his parents. I hope to get to know Gage's parents better, but I love that Parker formed this friendship first. It's really fun to watch your children create their own relationships. As the mama, I'm trying to put effort into helping him nourish the friendships he's forming.
While we were gone, Daddy and Pierce laid down in Parker's bed and Pierce fell asleep there. He ended up napping in his brother's bed for over two hours. I'm not sure how I feel about this! When he woke, he climbed down and walked to the stairs for his Daddy to come get him. He's not even 2! Here the brothers are reading a bedtime story. Pierce adores when his brother pays such attention to him.

Another week of sleep project photos. It's going better than I anticipated.

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