Saturday, January 9, 2016

Week 1 | January 1-9

Sometime before the actual new year, Daniel left a sweet note by my bed and included his goals for 2016. Talk about being on top of it. I decided I wouldn't wait to scribble a list of things out either. The longer I wait, the less likely I am to actually accomplish my goals. So here they are. I think I can. I think I can. Instead of hiding these in my notebook, I'm writing them out several times and posting where I can see DAILY!! What's your BIG GOAL for the month? Keep it small and attainable...I've found goals for the year are too big and I need to work with a closer deadline to help me actually achieve something. My greatest challenge will be waking up earlier in the day! 
I also was lucky enough to soak up a few baby man snuggles first thing this morning while we watched Marshall (Paw Patrol). Lucky mama! My boys make HUGE messes when they bathe in my bathroom but the smiles on their faces make it worth the clean up.
Daddy wasn't feeling well and actually ended up having pink eye so I was ON all day. Despite the fact that it was freezing cold, Parker really wanted to go outside and throw the ball around. I couldn't resist the opportunity for some super sweet alone time with him. My boy has a good arm and is getting faster as he runs around the park! We giggled lots and then walked hand in hand to the mail box chatting about how he's almost five. He told me that I don't know how to let him be five. Sigh, he's never been more right. This kid.
I have to tell you that I've decided I LOVE when Christmas and New Year's Day fall on a Friday. It's like getting two weekends stacked on top of one another. We've loved all the extra time with Daddy around. These boys had a great day lounging around.
After all the sickness over Christmas break, it felt good to finally put some real clothes on and head off into the land of REAL people. We've just spend too many days in our pjs and workout clothes and while all the relaxation was fabulous, I just need a grown up convo with some other mamas.
A friend of mine takes darling photos of her foursome every Sunday. After envying her posts for a very long time, I decided that 2016 is the year for us  -- we're joining in. Check out my cuties:
...And their inability to stand still and smile for mama.
After naps, we threw on light jackets and headed out to take down the Christmas lights and do a little roller coaster/bike riding. Parker is really impressing us with his ability to use his big boy bike as a balance bike. I know he'll have those pedals on there soon!
Oh, Monday -- back to our routine. Daddy Daniel headed back to work, we had some sweet story time (Parker recited Brown Bear to Pierce), the boys and I all had swim lessons and Parker visited the doctor on Tuesday for a possible uti. Urine sample came back clear, thank goodness so now I just have to police his frequent bathroom trips.
I'm just a few days in to a new workout program, Master's Hammer & Chisel. I'm feeling stronger and pushing myself to lift a little heavier. I'd love to see some big, big changes in this body in 60 days.
Also, if you glanced at my goals up there in the top photo, you'll see I'm challenging myself to drink my Shakeology So far, I'm on track and the boys are too. We all need the nutrition since none of us eat many greens around here.
Pierce at his brother's doctor's appt. I can't get over how big he's looking. Two will be here soon.
Had a great day at home with this cutie. I thought his neck looked super long in these photos and it made me smile so big thinking of dinosaurs from The Land Before Time. Parker is growing so quickly right now. He's taller and leaner and his feet are big! We snuggled up while Pierce napped and read some bible stories together. I'm loving our time alone (and can't really imagine not having him home this fall).
Wednesday the 6th was also our 9th wedding anniversary and I wrote this little snippet over on instagram...It's really a miracle, marriage. Two completely selfish and sinful people who don't necessarily see things the same way or agree on how life should be lived. And yet this is God's design for us so we do our best (most days). I'm just thankful to have a friend/spouse who will hold me, support me, encourage me, provide for me and choose ME. It's a big task and while he doesn't do all of it perfectly, he comes dang close. My greatest joy is watching him be daddy to our boys. Daniel, you're loved. Even when we don't say it well or act like it at all, you are so loved. I'm really good about expressing my affection for my little men, but this man is actually my all time fave.
Every year, we take a family photo too. I love seeing what we look like. This 9th year was pretty different from many and had challenges and change unlike never before. But now that we're through it, it was worth every bit of it. A few things we survived ---house hunting, preschool hunting, waiting in anticipation for move papers, goodbyes to first friends, family, and the very best neighbors, managing the packing and unpacking, buying/selling a home, feeling at home and finding Jesus at HFBC Cypress, a joint bday bash for our boys, summer fun with family close, service projects, annual beach trip, another preschool move, making friends and finding our people, hugging old friends who live just 30mins away, road trips, and holidays in the honeysuckle house. It's been different, but good. Through it all we've seen the hand of God guide and direct, proved and bless. Looking forward to year number 10 and celebrating a little early in New Zealand!!
Family date to Chuys was just what we needed. Quick, yummy dinner that we all enjoyed and then headed home to wind up the night with my favorite trio.
Pierce 100% loves his backpack and asks to wear it all the time. It's so heavy on school days that it kind of makes him topple over. Still, he wants to be like Parker and I love the chance to snap a pic of them both looking so cute. Parker told me on the way to school "

"all the moms say 'yay we don't have kids today' ". 

Oh ya know, a little bit of ceiling repair. Something may or may not have shifted and fallen through from the attic.

I missed my workout yesterday, Thursday, and today I TRULY had no time as I needed to get us out the door an on our way to east Texas. Certainly, I did not have an extra hour. But yesterday I had time and didn't schedule my day quite right. Normally I might make an excuse about having to pick up my house, pack and roadtrip. I'd have missed two days of fitness. Not this time. Today I put on my workout clothes (instead of pjs) and grabbed my weights. I wouldn't normally wear this and VIDEO it to share with the world. But I wanted to see the areas I'm working on rather than cover them up. The back fat and the belly hanging over the shorts. The lack of definition and the struggle to increase my weights to the point of muscle fatigue. I needed to see it all. It's the real deal, the unedited me. And I'm proud of it. Today I lifted more weight than ever before. Hours later I'm still shaky which means I've been playing it too safe this week. I haven't been all in. Giving your all feels GOOD, y'all.

Friday afternoon we drove to Baba's house and celebrated Winfred's 83rd birthday with a bunch of extended family on today. The photos are all on my big girl camera but as soon as I get them off and edited, I'll post them. After the party, we road tripped home so we could sleep in our own beds and attend church tomorrow. I can't believe how quickly the first full week of 2016 has passed. If the entire year is like this, I'm seriously in trouble. 

Back in 2013, I snapped a pic of my Parker each day and used the # 365daysofsweetparkersleep. It was a fun project and now I'm creating the book that holds all those photos. Since both boys are spring babes, I thought it'd be fun to try this project again while Pierce is the same age Parker was. I'm not sure I can pull it off but I'm going to give it a try. Pierce is a much different sleeper than his big brother and his room is much harder to get to before I climb into bed. Here are the first 9 days of sweet sleep. 


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