I cannot tell you how excited I was that Monday we started 11am swim lessons. Oh my gosh. The extra hour at home is muuuuuch needed. Not having to rush anywhere is my favorite. I mean, just look at how sweet my snuggle buddies are.

Their sweet heads and necks make me swoon.

My Pierce is officially OUT of the high chair. He was standing up in it too much. I do miss having Parker at the bar but Pierce gets really nervous when I put him on a bar stool so boosters at the table it is. He looks pretty cute and proud. Of course, the boy does NOT want my help in climbing up or down from the chair. He's big.

One of my absolute favorite things is stealing a little one on one time with one of my boys. Tuesday morning, Parker woke early enough to come downstairs and crawl in bed next to me. This boy. I love that he can just chill in the bed for an hour or more in the morning. Brother Pierce is not that way.

Artwork from school and church. The Piercesaurus makes me laugh pretty dang hard. The sweet little hand in the middles has notes that say "I can help daddy load stuff" and "I can help make my brother happy". True, buddy. So true.

My little love is learning how to "pusha button".

We did some grocery shopping Thursday after school. Ya know, because we had no food at all. The boys love to ride in the race car buggy. Oh my. It's getting to be pretty comical pushing those two around. They took photos of everything they saw. I had lots of photos to delete but saved these sweet faces.

Sometime after 6:00, Liz and Willow arrived. The boys were bummed the big girls had to stay home but oh how they loved getting to love on this sweet baby girl without her sisters around. I could totally see Parker with a baby sister. He's like his Daddy and LOVES the girls. ;)

Friday was the best. We stayed in pjs almost all day. I can't remember the last time we had nowhere to go on a week day. Only a little tv, no errands, just playing and conversation and coffee. My kind of morning.

It was such a gorgeous day that we headed out to the park to ride bikes before naps. It's WARM in January this week. I'll take it though. My people sure love to play outdoors. They do not love bundling up.

Lego time for the big boy. He's always so proud when he learns how to repurpose stuff.

While Pierce napped, Parker snuggled Willow and fed her a bottle.

Daddy Daniel came home and took over so that Liz and I could head out for a dinner date with a few of our favorite mama friends. I think Daniel loved the baby girl snuggles too.

And no question, we loved the hours of catching up without interruption from our children. LOVE these ladies.

Saturday morning we said goodbye to Liz and Willow as they headed to the airport and then a wedding shower.

My big boy sat in my lap and laid his head on my chest for a long while. He never does this anymore! I soaked up feeling special and made sure to tell him that I so appreciate when he loves on his mama this way.

Some silly made up hunting story and then a nap on the floor. The FLOOR? We have so many good beds and couches in this house. They're crazy.

Pierce's sweet sleep this week --

Clearly we love the spotted pjs. I promise I washed them this week. I think they were just put on top multiple times!