When Pierce came into my room chugging a bottle I tried so hard not to laugh (it hurt!). He's never liked bottles and now at almost 18 mos old, he'll tip one back and drink it like it's his best friend.

There wasn't a pack n play at Mom's so Pierce had to make do and sleep in Bekah's bed.

2. Our boys are home again. I'm so thankful I was able to rest without having to care for anyone else. This little boy who doesn't snuggle was pretty happy to cuddle up in his Daddy's lap.
3. Day 1 of swim lessons for the boys. I'm excited to see Pierce progress. Swimming lessons have been the best thing we possibly could have done for Parker. He's so confident in the water. Hopefully little brother will be just as good as he gets bigger. A neighbor in Towne Lake is allowing us to use her pool and it's so fun to watch all the kiddos play as they wait their turn for their lesson. We had an appointment for Parker's ears this afternoon and all looks good just one week post surgery. Woohoo! Even Pierce's hearing has improved some and in just one week he's learned a dozen or more words. I'm so proud of him.

5. We don't have preschool until the end of the month so mornings around here are pretty relaxed and we actually quite like it. Snuggling in bed while my boys watch a show makes my heart happy. Pierce is growing a little more affectionate and will sometimes sit closely with his brother.

Parker is so big and often shows his independency by offering to do things all on his own. He can get himself and his brother snacks and water but today I helped him make his own sandwich for the first time. He did a pretty great job!
6. Sunday, Rebekah sent the boys home with a few treats and Pierce wandered into the pantry, grabbed his Cheetos and plopped down to eat them. I crack up at this child who eats all day long. He never fills up and I do not understand how he can take another bite.

Family dinner date to Chuy's. We haven't eaten here since before we moved. It's a fave and we've missed it! Pierce didn't use a high chair. He sat with his Daddy or in a little booster seat next to me. To no surprise, he loves queso like the rest of us and ate it with his fingers.

I got away with just the big boy for a few minutes and we had some fun at Kroger. Parker loves to be in charge of something like my keys and thought it so funny when he learned he could snap them onto his cap so that he wouldn't lose them. Today he pushed the buggy, returned it, carried our groceries to the car all while having some big kid convo with Mom. Now if I can just get him to watch where he's going and not wreck into anything or anyone.
7. Bek came over and played with the boys so Daniel and I snuck out for a quick movie date. We came home to Parker and Bekah playing "war" with a bucket of army men

8. Saturday morning lovies in Mom and Dad's bed. I love when we're all home together. This afternoon, we jumped in the car and headed to Nav to celebrate Maddox's birthday. It was great to get to see Baba, Don, Dolores, Laura, Jarrod and Ella too. The kids had so much fun swimming and playing on the water slide. We had to deflate the thing to get them to change clothes and get in the car. After the party, we spent a little time at Cookie and Chief's to celebrate Chief's birthday.

11. Another week of swim lessons, but first some silly brother love. We're really seeing improvement in Parker's ability to kick and side swim. I'm so proud of him.

Pierce's favorite part of lessons is getting to play on this truck!

More "war" play on the bar. He's loving that he gets to do this all by himself.
Being back in Cypress means I get the be part of some the very best women's events with our incredible church. I was able to carpool with a new friend down to the loop and then got to sit next to this sweet face during Kelly Matte's lesson.

12. He's saying "cheeeeese". Sweet big baby man. We sang rock-a-bye-baby over and over tonight. And he was still. In my arms. Almost unheard of. I leaned over and whispered prayers over him into his ear and he giggled and giggled as if I were being so hilarious. Oh I'm so in love with this boy.

13. These two boys love to be in the water.

Naps were boycotted today so we went with the flow and made other plans. Nothing brings me more happiness than seeing my boys snuggle and play together.

14. A great day at home until this afternoon --

Daniel noticed a man broken down on our loop this am around 6:30. When he got home 10 hrs later the man was still there. Daniel stopped to ask if he needed help since he had been in his hot car all day and then drove home to get him water and snacks. He drove him to autozone once or twice, bought him dinner and worked with him for hours on his car. Nothing. He brought Mr Donald home to our house and I met him at the door with a bleeding baby. Donald sat on our porch and charged his phone while we went to the er. He kept saying he had a buddy coming to get him. He was still here when we returned so we sat and talked to him for a little bit. Daniel offered to drive him to Heb on Barker/290 to meet his friend. When they got close, Daniel felt prompted to ask him if he really had someone coming to get him. No. It's been 16hrs or so and Donald had no one to come get him. Where are his people? Daniel drove him almost an hour home -- near Conroe/Magnolia somewhere. He gave him money and told him to call us if he needed anything. Donald delivers papers for the chronicle. He's worried about his car. I'm thankful my husband "shows God's love" by going out of his way for a complete stranger. Not the afternoon we could have expected so we pray God moves and works in these moments.

Quick ER trip this evening, but not for this guy. Parker was my big helper and calmly called his daddy to tell him we needed to go to the hospital. Zero freak out even when mama teared up and we saw brother's face bleeding. Way to be my big, brave boy Parker!

Oh beautiful boy, mama is so sorry. I should never have let you sit on the bed without me. Pierce was so big and cried for a couple of minutes and then was very still and calm. Once at the ER he wanted down to walk around. I told him he had an owie and he kept saying "owww" and grabbing his legs (shot site). Silly boy. Very proud of him for doing so well.

So this part was a little bit sad. They strapped him down in order to work on his sweet face. He cannot stand being taken away from mama or having people do stuff to him. We sang "Jesus loves me" while he screamed and cried and the wound was cleaned and glued. It wasn't as bad as it looked and thank goodness it didn't bleed much. Pierce just kept saying "all done all done all done".

Cheek glued. Ice cream cone. New pjs and diaper. Mama's milk. Bed time!

The morning after.

We certainly took it as easy as possible. Pierce is not our careful child and he fell on his face a number of times today. Each time I was so nervous I'd pick him up and his face would be split open again.

A few Parker pics. He loves to document our day and sometimes gets a few decent shots.

Pj day for all. Well deserved, I think.
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