Saturday, January 18, 2014

2014: Week 3 | January 12th - 18th.

SUNDAY: We've had two late nights and a few late naps recently so we opted to ignore the alarm this morning and stay home from church again. Parker actually sat on the couch with us and halfway watched Free Willy for a little bit. He did have to move to the floor to simultaneously play barn animals with his Dad. Our boy just isn't big on sitting still and that's ok. The guys helped me organize the attic and get Christmas packed away and also made a Target run. They love taking little trips to run errands together and usually come back with some sort of secret or special treat. Today it was McDonald's.

MONDAY: We had a busy MOPS morning today. It was great to see all our friends after a long break for the holidays. Since it was spa day I enjoyed a chair massage and manicure. Then we came home and napped! Since we haven't seen any of our neighbors over the past few weeks, we walked over to visit with Rylee before bedtime and even got to see Emma and Ellie. How we miss the friends on our street and can't wait for warm spring days to play outside for hours on end.

TUESDAY: After school Parker and I spent a few hours at Target and Babies R Us. We shared a snack and he helped me "shoot the gun" as we registered for a few items for Baby Pierce. Crazily Parker went potty six times in just three hours so I was worn out by the time we got home to Daddy.

WEDNESDAY: We skipped off to story time this morning. Parker loves the library and the fact that he gets to sing and pop bubbles. I'm just so glad he loves to read and to have more variety in our bed time "tories". Next we were off to get the boy's shaggy hair cut and spent a few minutes killing time at the bike store. I can tell he's ready for a balance bike...he'll have to work hard on all the hills around here but it'll be a great morning or afternoon activity to get both boys out of the house for a little while. Before racing home for a nap we took my dirty car through the car wash. I always think Parker is silly for being scared as we drive through but I love any excuse he makes to hold my hand. This evening we drove up to StoneOak to meet Daddy and a table of Cameron men for dinner. Parker did great as he's always up for a bowl full of queso.

THURSDAY: I enjoyed time to myself since it was a school day and then brought both Parker and Tate home from school. The weather was gorgeous and it was a back door open kind of afternoon. Tate did not want to leave when his mama came to pick him up, but we were having the Calk's over for dinner. We've so enjoyed getting to spend time with Sarah and Nick. Sarah came over early today and we had a few hours to ourselves to chat without our men around. Fun, fun! This new friend makes my heart so happy.

FRIDAY: Jammie day at our house. Parker and I were super lazy after all of the week's activities. I've been very sore and just needed to sit. All day. My boy has been sweet and plays all around me without demanding too much else.

SATURDAY: This morning, we headed to the wild life ranch as a family. I figured it'd be something we could all do together that wouldn't require me to do much walking, bending or lifting. Parker LOVES this place and we both love to watch him get exited over looking at and feeding the animals. Our afternoon was spent napping. How I love a good nap these days!

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