Friday, December 30, 2011

Parker's First Christmas {San Antonio, TX}

Daniel, Parker, the girls and I headed back to SA on the 26th. We had another Christmas to put on, this time at our house. I was so excited that my family would be driving out to see us and spend a few days with us in our home. Parker does great on the road, but life is so much easier when we have our own space. Everyone arrived midday on the 27th. Parker was thrilled to see his Chief, Cookie, Baba, Hannah, Bekah, Maegan, Rocky and Ruby. They'd been waiting an entire week to celebrate Christmas with the man, so Daniel and I trekked off on some errands while the crew stayed here. A simple dinner was started, Santa set up his loot, the presents were distributed and it was time to dig in. The Wilsons love celebrating and gift giving so there was a lot of opening taking place. Parker was so so sweet as he checked out his Santa gifts. The image of him on his knees makes me all teary eyed.
Everything he got made noise...the look on his face told us he was completely overwhelmed.
Total cuteness.
Baby house shoes.
Daniel had to work all week so it was especially wonderful to have company throughout the day. We hung things around the house, cleaned up, unpacked the very last box from the move, ran errands and did a little bit of shopping.
Parker looooved having his wildest, loudest aunt here to play.
Group photos are a favorite tradition. Here we are in 2008, 2009, 2010.
How many dogs do you spy? We always include them in our photos.
Parker and Chief.
Parker started pulling up on everything this week. He's all over the place and has to watched every single second. I'm definitely a busy Mama.

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