Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Parker {Three Months}

My Sweet Parker,
How are you already THREE months old? This month has been much easier than the last two. We've fallen into a groove and have a nice little routine going. It feels good to be able to predict when you'll eat as keeping you full means keeping you happy. Your personality has taken off this month! I feel like you have a new trick to show me every day. I love that we're together so much that I get to watch you figure out life. This month has been filled with adventure and I'm amazed and appreciative of how well you go-with-the-flow as we travel.
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Eating: Not too has changed. You still love to eat and make drinking your bottles your number one priority. During the day you are drinking 4 oz bottles every 3 hours. It has taken some effort to get you to stretch to eating this far apart. I know you won't like it, but we're going to continue to work on getting your feeds further apart. At night, you're doing better about not eating every three hours and are making it closer to four. Cereal still goes in those night time bottles. You are now able to make it through the entire bottle before burping and if someone dares to stop you mid-bottle to try and squeeze a burp out, you more than let them know that this is unnecessary. In fact, you screech when you need to burp! Just one more month and we can try some FOOD. I hope that you love eating as much as you do drinking.
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Sleeping: Finally you are napping a little more easily - still not too great. It's a big deal if I can get you to go down for a nap without you being held. The best sleep you get is in someone's arms, but this just isn't practical for me every day. I do love holding you, sweet boy, but Mama also has to utilize nap time to get things done around the house. In order to help you understand when it's time to close your baby eyes, you are swaddled each time you are put to sleep. During they day, I swaddle you in an Aidan and Anias blanket {my fave} and at night we now use The Miracle Blanket. Big changes are happening at night time. After snuggling you for two long months, you are now going to sleep in your Pack 'N Play. Big boy! I'm still tired, but at least I get a few hours sleep where I'm able to stretch out and no longer sleep like a statue. You're sleeping several hours at a time, anywhere from 3-5, drinking a bottle, going back down in the PNP and then after the next feeding, I typically put you in bed with me. More sleep = happier Mama. We've been on the go a lot this month but you adjusted well no matter where we were {White Settlement, Florida, San Antonio}. Thank goodness the PNP is so easy to take with us.
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Measurements: Approximately 13 pounds, 8 ounces. This was done at home since you don't see the Dr. again until next month. You've gained about 1.5 pounds in the last month and a total of six pounds since birth. Not surprising! You LOVE to eat.
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All About You: You grow more talkative every day. I love hearing everything you have to say when you wake up in the morning. This is still my favorite time. You are happy and all smiles for about thirty minutes. You have really figured out how to make your hands work and are now grabbing at materials - you pull on your blankets until they're up to your face, grip Mama's shirt and open and close your hand over things like your teddy bear. It's so neat to watch you as you feel of everything to learn more about your surroundings. You're now resting your hands on your knees and I think this is a funny gesture. I'm not sure I have a photo of this yet, but I'll be sure to try and capture it. When you're sleepy, you've learned to rub your eyes a little bit. I love this sleep cue as it is hard to miss. You suck on your arms and hands a lot and have learned to stick out your tongue. I really can't get over how much more control you have over your head. You think you are soooo big and insist on sitting up in my lap instead of being held like my little baby boy. We were busy this month and did quite a bit of traveling. I am so thankful that you are good in the car, will be held by anyone, and have fallen asleep in your PNP no matter where it may be. You met the entire Shalley clan and even left the state of TX for the first time, rode in a car all the way to Destin, FL and spent a week at the beach, then helped Mommy and Daddy house hunt in San Antonio and hung out with Baba in the hotel.
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Likes: walking around on someone's shoulder {especially those of tall men}, sucking on hands, feeling of things with your hands {you're starting to uncurl those baby fists}, squealing {this is new}, baby Einstein dvds, Mama to be the one to put you to bed
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Dislikes: the car seat {way too many hours spent in it this month}, burping before your bottle is finished,
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