Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Today, you turn seventeen. I remember the first time I saw you. You were several months old. We'd come home for the summer after granddaddy died. You were soooo rolly polly. You were the first boy in our group of grand-girls. A boy was new to us. I loved holding you tight and watching you suck that bagged bottle down like a little piglet. Sometimes I still can't believe how your mama would hand you over to me and just let us be. I was only 10, but I'd sit in that blue chair and rock you all day if they'd let me. I've always considered the 5 of us to be lucky. Not everyone gets to grow up with their cousins alongside them; I can't believe that I know people that only see their cousins once every few years! Ha! You, Em and my sisters are tied to almost all of my childhood memories. What fun we had romping and stomping...being in charge of you was no small task. You and I were buddies every time we went to Schlitterbahn. I was sure you'd drown and I'd get in trouble because I couldn't keep you from falling out of your tube! We spent most of our trip laughing at you! As you grew older, and grew out of your tall tales, I grew up too and we inevitably spent less time together. More than ever I know the importance of family, togetherness and saying I love you. You have 3 cousins that love you like a brother and would do anything in the world for you. On your 17th birthday, I want to tell you that you are special. You are the only you. You are smart. You are super duper cute...sometimes I wonder where your rolls went and when you got muscles! You are so talented. You are sweet. You are funny. You are perfect just as you are. You are one of my favorite things on earth. I wish you many many more years of life, love and happiness. I can't wait to see what is in store for you. I love you soooo much!

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