Sunday, September 27, 2009

Little Lily is Here!

Finally, sweet Lily girl is here. Liz and I have been talking multiple times a day all week long as we've all been anticipating her arrival. We were SURE she'd come Wednesday and our Fame date would be canceled. Liz and I loved the movie -- no Lily. Then Liz thought for SURE she'd come Friday since her brother and sister had big homecoming plans. No Lily. Daniel, Jim and I made dinner last night and as soon as we walked in the door, the contractions intensified. Let me tell you, Liz is a champ and is my new hero. She CLEANED HOUSE on her due date! I hate to tell ya, I was at home napping while my 9month pregnant friend tried anything and everything to bring her daughter into the world. Around 414 am this morning, Liz let me know she was on her way to the hospital...her contractions were just a few minutes apart. Unfortunately, she didn't progress much for the next 5 or so hours. We took Jim breakfast and a coffee this morning and things kicked up again! Liz's precious family arrived sometime around 1030. The concensus is that Lily was waiting on her grandparents, aunts and uncle. After several rounds of pretty intense contractions, Liz opted for an epidural (YAY!). We all left for lunch so that Mom and Dad could hopefully rest. This was at 130. At 306 Liz was still a 6 and we were about to enjoy some much needed coffee. 20 minutes later, we were flying out the door! Liz was at a 10! Hooray for pitocin and an epidural. At 405 Jim and Liz laid eyes on their BEAUTIFUL daughter. At 416, Dee heard Lily's cries through the cell phone and Ray received her first photo. This child is precious in our sight. We have loved her since we've known about her. We love her even more now and we are OH-SO PROUD for our dearest friends. Congrats Jim & Liz! We love you and we can't wait to watch you be parents to sweet Lily.

The stats:
Born at -- 4:05pm on 9.27.09
Weight -- 6lbs 4.7oz
Height -- 19 1/2 inches
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The proud parents waiting for their girl.
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Breakfast at the hospital, checking on the Larkins.
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Labor Love! Jim was so sweet to Liz.
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The Streight Family waiting on Lily.
lily - 24 Love this dude...can't wait for him to be a dad.
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Soon to be Mama Liz.
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Daddy Jim coming to get everyone.
lily - 17 lily - 8 lily - 14 The Larkin Family, population 3.
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Look at this precious face!
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I love, love, love this friend! She makes me proud.
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Proud grandparents....they're in LOVE!
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Aunt Emily
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Uncle Michael
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Aunt Megan.
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The Shalleys love you baby Lily.
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Daddy Jim moving into the postpardum wing.
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The proud parents looking at their Lily through the nursery window.
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Sweet Lily...she was soooo perfect. She hardly even cried. What a good girl!
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Lily's first bath.
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She is the SWEETEST thing I've ever seen.

Larkin family, I can't wait until you're here to be photographed with your new granddaughter!

1 comment:

The Sages said...

LOVE the way you got to document it all! What a precious little girl!