Sunday, January 25, 2009

My New Year

I'm super late in posting my goals for the new year. The radio station I listen to says to narrow my goals down to ONE so that I can remain focused. Last year, I posted a slew of things that I wanted to work on. When I look back at them, I had high hopes and great intentions...but I fell short. So, this year I am simplifying things. This year I am NEW IN 09. Everything that I do will be with the intention to glorify God. I will be NEW. I will.

So far, 25 days into the new year I am doing SO WELL at this. One of the many things on my long list of ways to be new is to read the Bible chronologically. I tried this last year and it totally fell through. This year, I'm on track and I am loving all that I am learning. Daniel and I have been faithful in attending church and Sunday school and we've joined a Bible study. I can't tell you how this has changed my life. I feel strong! We've also been working out and eating healthier. Next on our list, paying off debt and SAVING!

What are your plans for this new year?


Jen said...

I read through the Bible chronologically for the first time a few years ago. I was shocked at how much of a better picture I had of the Word after I had read through it that way. I understood how it all fit together. Keep it up, it's WELL worth while!

5 Chicks and a Farmer said...

A seriously great goal! Our entire lives should be about bringing Him glory.

I'm so glad that you've found a church to call home and people to call friends. We are strengthened and encouraged by the body of Christ.

Here is to 2009! May this year be all about Him!
