Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mark and Kara. Real Devotion.

Mark and I have been friends for seven years. Seven! We've stuck by one another through so many parts of life and have shared some of life's most precious memories: dating, failing grades, getting our rings, turning 21, partying like rock stars, military decisions, breakups, jobs, and finally...marriage. I am so glad that Mark has remained a part of my life after college. I am blessed to call him my friend. It warms my heart to see him happy, settled, and in love with the precious Miss Kara. It isn't easy for a woman to walk right into our group and fit in as though she's always been there. Kara does that. She was made for us, for Mark. I am proud to have gotten to know her and to have grown to love her. It was an honor to be asked to document their wedding day. The day was amazing and beautiful and we very much enjoyed ourselves. I owe a HUGE thank you to Brandi Tejeda for second shooting with me. She was great company and captured so many amazing shots!


mark and kara6
mark and kara9
mark and kara10
mark and kara11
mark and kara2
mark and kara12
mark and kara20
mark and kara19
mark and kara18
mark and kara1
mark and kara7
mark and kara5
mark and kara8
mark and kara13
mark and kara14
mark and kara4
mark and kara15
mark and kara16
and a few personal shots - me with the bride and groom.mark and kara21
college friendsmark and kara17
this is brandi! thanks for all your help, sweet friend.
mark and kara22
To view every single fabulous image from this wedding, scroll to the top and click on client proofing. Order prints within the next month and you'll receive a 25% discount. Enter copeland as you check out.
If you have any questions, please email me.


Brandi Tejeda said...

They look great Sarah! (ummm the picture of me is pretty awful but that is to be expected! haha) Mark and Kara are sure to LOVE them!

Amy said...

wow, wow, wow! Amazingly beautiful photographs Sarah. Wish I could have been there!

JennT said...

I love all the shots of Kara by the fire truck! The group shot of the old gang is great too! I'm fixing to go check out all the other images. It was so good to see you friend!!

COMPLETELY Copelands said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! Real have such an amazing friend and photographer to capture all of our special moments! They are amazing Sarah and Brandi and my words are not nearly enough to express how grateful we are to have these forever! You did better than ever and captured every single moment that I've been saying "I hope they got a picture of....". Thank you for real friends that make us real blessed! Love,

COMPLETELY Copelands said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! Real have such an amazing friend and photographer to capture all of our special moments! They are amazing Sarah and Brandi and my words are not nearly enough to express how grateful we are to have these forever! You did better than ever and captured every single moment that I've been saying "I hope they got a picture of....". Thank you for real friends that make us real blessed! Love,

JMHickerson said...

Awesome photos for what looked to be an awesome wedding!! :-)

Nice job, Sarah!

Anonymous said...

these look fabulous! How lucky you are to have two beautiful people to photograph on fire trucks!!
ps: i don't know how to set up a name on this!!

Enoch Photography said...

The are awesome! I love these! Great job Sarah! Such a great looking couple! //enoch