Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hannah's Bachelorette Party

Last weekend, a lot of Hannah's friends and family road tripped to San Antonio to celebrate the end of Hannah's days as a bachelorette. Mom, Tracy, Jodi , Alli and I had a great ride there. We caught up on the details of several years of everyone's life. Once in SA, we walked through the Alamo and hit up the Riverwalk for some Mexican food and drinks. After lunch it was time for penis shaped cookies and "Pin The Macho On The Man" before we spent SIX, long, FUN hours at Howl At The Moon. I had my doubts about the piano bar (since I don't really like music all that much), but we had an AWESOME time! The musicians were so good that we felt like we'd been in concert all night. Happy Bachelorette Days, Hannah! I'm so glad that I was able to celebrate with you. Love you lots!
ps - If you have pics from the weekend, please email them! Jo- will you send me the one of me and Mom?

17 Person Party-

Jo, Mom, Ali, T and Me-

Cassi & Alli's FIRST visit to the Alamo-

Penis Cookies that were YUMMY-

Rendition of Lovin' Feelin'

from Casey -The Bachelor-

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