Thursday, November 22, 2007

I'm Thankful for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is by far the BEST holiday! It stands for everything I believe in...celebrating relationships with family and friends. This Thanksgiving was shaping up to be BIG...we were going to see cousins that hadn't been with us for several years of Thanksgivings. Then, things started changing and football playoffs and babies got in the way of our great plans. We're hoping that God has better plans for us and that we'll have new little Haughn babies next year. Since the Rattlers have a playoff game Friday night in Humble, we had new additions to this year's Turkey Day. We were so excited to have the Fedoras and the Witherwaxs join our crazy fun day! As usual, our Thanksgiving really was something to be thankful for.

Now that it's all said and done, I wish I'd taken a few more pictures of all of us preparing food, sitting around talking, etc. Sorry!

*Click on the photos to view a larger version* MORE THANKSGIVING PHOTOS
Here's our annual PICTURE ON THE PORCH:
The Shalleys: Daniel, Sarah & Honey

Our little bitty family photo:

Conners, Haughns, McMurrys, Han & Brian...we MISSED you!

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