I got this email last night and it completely made my day:
We were blessed with a phone call this afternoon (Tuesday, August 28th) that informed us that Spencer is a successful organ donor. His liver was a perfect match to save a 45 year old woman's life. Due to being a very petite-sized woman, she was not a candidate for an adult sized liver. As children are at the top of the list to be organ recipients, she has been waiting a very long time for a child's size liver and match. She is doing well and will be back to her favorite hobbies, baking and crocheting, soon. She has one adult child and two grandchildren, one of which is Spencer's age, and to know that she has an opportunity to watch them grow truly makes our heart smile. Please pray for her successful recovery. Through Spencer's gift of life, we are reminded of the power of organ donation. May Spencer's legacy of life and love continue to bloom in all of us.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Spencer Squire Gift Fund

From Spencer's Aunt:
This was distributed by a friend of ours announcing a contest Spencer would have loved! For anyone who would like to participate in entering the drawing for 2 tickets to the A&M/Texas game, see the link below and info that follows. Thank you all for your support, thoughts, and prayers...they have kept us going! Please feel free to pass this info along to anyone who you think might be interested in getting some of the best seats at Kyle Field!
Below is the link to the contest/fund raiser. I also went ahead and dropped all the info into the body of this email just in case there is an issue with the link. This thread is located on http://www.blogger.com/www.texags.com in the "A&M Football"forum.? It's pinned to the top of the forum. http://www.texags.com/main/forum.reply.asptopic_id=930682&forum_id=5Contest
Fund Raiser:
Spencer Squire was a 6 year old boy, who as many of you probably know, died last week after suffering brain aneurysm. After reading about Spencer?s life and family, I have decided to put together a contest in hopes of raising a large donation which will benefit the gift fund created by Spencer?s family. This is an opportunity for all Aggies to participate together in contributing to the memory of Spencer, who loved A&M with all his heart and soul. I might add, it also serves as a means to acquire a couple of excellent seats for the 2007 A&M vs. t.u. game!
Should you not wish to participate in the contest, please find it in your heart to donate directly to the Spencer Squire Gift to School Fund www. spencersquire.com.
2 - 50 yard line tickets to the 2007 A&M vs. t.u. football game
Ticket info: Section 107, Row 30, seats 3 & 4- you'll be hard pressed to find better seats available in Kyle Field. These tickets are 2 rows in front the Governor's box.
Pick the W/L record of the 2007 Aggie football team UP TO THE OKLAHOMA GAME.
If necessary, (which is likely) the tie breaker will be the total points scored of the A&M vs. OU game. 2nd tie breaker, if necessary, will be the correct final score of the A&M vs. OU game. (see entry form below)
Entry must be made before midnight 8/31/07. Any entry made after 8/31/07 will not be accepted.
Entry fee is $20.00. All money collected will be donated in lump sum to Spencer Squire Gift to School Fund.
Multiple entries are allowed. Each entry requires an additional entry fee. Each entry also needs to be submitted/emailed separately.
Contest is closed on 8/31/07. Entry fee must be collected on or before 9/15/07 to remain eligible in the contest. 1 lump sum donation will be made to the Spencer Squire Gift to School fund after 9/15/07 but before 9/30/07. Total players in the contest, and subsequent entry fees collected, will be made public on texags.
The individual who picks the correct W/L record (and wins tie breaker, if necessary) will win the tickets.
Tickets will be made available to the winner the day of the game unless other arrangements are made prior to the game.
In the good faith of this contest/fund raiser, please understand, these tickets are not to be resold for profit.
To Enter The Contest:
Cut and paste the entry form (below) into an email. Fill out the form and email the completed form to spencersfund@sbcglobal.net Please put your name in the subject line. A reply with confirmation of your entry will be sent. The confirmation will include instructions on how to submit your entry fee. Payment of the entry fee can be made via check or money order.
Entry Form:
2007 A&M Football team Win/Loss record UP TO AND INCLUDING THE OKLAHOMA GAME: __________
(Win/Loss record should equal 10 games)
Tie Breakers:
2007 A&M vs. OU game TOTAL POINTS SCORED:__________
2007 A&M vs. OU FINAL SCORE: ___________
Please put your name in the subject line of the email.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Maddox's Photo Shoot
As a present to Maddox (ok, so really more for Sara, Norma & Tony), I spent about an hour out in the yard playing with and photographing Maddox on his 1st birthday! I was present in the delivery room when Maddox was born (thanks again, Sara - this was an amazing and beautiful experience!) and have had the honor of chronicling Maddox's 1st year in photos. To say the least, it was important to me that I spend time with him on his actual birthday. I let the kid loose with a few of his favorite toys: a colander, a ball and some pecans and hoped to get a few good shots. Maddox was amazing in the heat and the photos are more than good...they are beatiful and very accurately capture his funny personality. I always enjoy you Mad-Mad!
Happy Birthday and again, I am SO SORRY that I missed your party!
Lots of love,
Sarah "Wilson
Happy Birthday and again, I am SO SORRY that I missed your party!
Lots of love,
Sarah "Wilson
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Really, Really Quick!
August 18, 2007

Today is an EXCITING DAY! Great things are happening at 2pm. Maddox is having a birthday party to celebrate his very 1st birthday. I am so sad that I will be unable to attend! Maddox, you are adorable. Eat lots of cake for me and I'll come kiss you later. I love you!
My FAVORITE birthday pic:

Also, Rachel & Kenneth are getting married today! YAY! I am so excited to be able to share in this day with them. I can't wait to see everyone all glammed up. Congrats you two! See you in a bit!
The lovely bride and groom:
Thursday, August 16, 2007
1 Year Old!
August 15, 2007 (officially @ 10:00pm)
Happy 1st Birthday my sweet Mad-Mad!
I am so glad that I got to kiss your sweet face and play with you outside today. You are so funny and cute! From the moment I saw you come into the world, I knew you would be special. Since then, you have used your funny faces, sweet smiles and gentle nature to charm your way into all of our hearts. I love being a part of your life - your very own "camera lady". Watching you learn and grow brings me joy!
I love you and can't wait to document another wonderful year of life.
Cousin Sarah
*1 yr pics coming soon!
A glimpse at one year ago:
Happy 1st Birthday my sweet Mad-Mad!
I am so glad that I got to kiss your sweet face and play with you outside today. You are so funny and cute! From the moment I saw you come into the world, I knew you would be special. Since then, you have used your funny faces, sweet smiles and gentle nature to charm your way into all of our hearts. I love being a part of your life - your very own "camera lady". Watching you learn and grow brings me joy!
I love you and can't wait to document another wonderful year of life.
Cousin Sarah
*1 yr pics coming soon!
A glimpse at one year ago:
Sunday, August 12, 2007
The Love of an Aggie
We love the Squires, Daileys and the Kirkseys!
I pray for your hearts and minds that they may find peace and comfort. Please know that Spencer will forever be my 12th little man and that I will never forget him. I am honored to have known him and to have been part of his life. I am so glad that we were able to celebrate him today!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Neutzler Girls
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Celebrating Spencer Squire
Saturday, August 11, 2007, 10:00 AM: Celebration of Spencer Squire. Wear your favorite sport team jersey and casual dress. Christ United Methodist Church, Life Center, South Building, 3101 Coit Road, Plano, Texas.
Sunday, August 12, 2007, 2:00 PM: Funeral Service, First United Methodist Church, 313 W San Antonio St., Lockhart, Texas (30 miles south of Austin, Texas)
Donations are being accepted for construction of a playground in Spencer's memory at Boon Elementary, Allen, Texas (Spencer's school)Send donations to:Boon PTASpencer Squire Gift to School1050 Comanche Drive, Allen Texas 75013
Saturday, August 11, 2007, 10:00 AM: Celebration of Spencer Squire. Wear your favorite sport team jersey and casual dress. Christ United Methodist Church, Life Center, South Building, 3101 Coit Road, Plano, Texas.
Sunday, August 12, 2007, 2:00 PM: Funeral Service, First United Methodist Church, 313 W San Antonio St., Lockhart, Texas (30 miles south of Austin, Texas)
Donations are being accepted for construction of a playground in Spencer's memory at Boon Elementary, Allen, Texas (Spencer's school)Send donations to:Boon PTASpencer Squire Gift to School1050 Comanche Drive, Allen Texas 75013
News from Mama B
Barrow says:
I say: YAY! I love pink! I love baby girls! I want to take pictures of your babies!
Congrats to Sara, Chris and Corbin. We can't wait to meet her!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Happy Birthday Daddy!
I hope that you have a wonderful day even though you're out of town. When you get home, we'll have to have dinner in order to properly celebrate. WE LOVE YOU!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Football Program Ad Design
The studying is behind me so now it's time that I really get to work. I've been busy cleaning house like crazy: doing laundry, vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, cleaning bathrooms, even scrubbing the dust off of the baseboards! There's still a lot to be done...I want this place spotless and completely organized before school starts. I worked on a few photography projects this afternoon and designed a few ads for the football program. FUN! I love these kinds of projects.
Spencer Update
Thank you so much for your sweet responses and for praying for our friends. If anything heals, its the power of prayer and the Almighty God. Please continue to pray! Another update: Because Spencer is so young, his family has opted not to immediately remove him from life support. Instead, Spencer will be put into a medically induced coma for several days in order to allow his brain to completely rest. After these few days, they will take him out of the coma and test for brain activity. The doctors have warned the family not to put too much hope into this option because nearly all brain aneurysms of this type are fatal. It is now our prayer that God will bless this family with a miracle through the total and complete healing of Spencer.
We love you and appreciate your support and prayers.
We'll update you when we have more news.
Love, Sarah and Daniel
We love you and appreciate your support and prayers.
We'll update you when we have more news.
Love, Sarah and Daniel
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Spencer Update
Dear friends and family,
Thank you so much for your concern for our friends and for the outpouring of love and prayer.
As of this morning, we know that doctor's worked all night to do what they could to preserve/recover Spencer's brain activity. They put in shunts and tried some procedures several times. It did not work; it has been determined that he is brain dead. I deliver this terrible and unfortunate news with the hope that you will continue to pray for his family [specifically his mother, father, little brother, precious grandparents and aunt, uncle and cousin]. This family is very dear to my heart. They are of the best that I know and would do anything for me and my family. The love that they share is beautiful and I pray that it strengthens them through this difficult time.
Gig 'Em, Spence! We love you. You are precious in His sight.
With all my Heart,
Thank you so much for your concern for our friends and for the outpouring of love and prayer.
As of this morning, we know that doctor's worked all night to do what they could to preserve/recover Spencer's brain activity. They put in shunts and tried some procedures several times. It did not work; it has been determined that he is brain dead. I deliver this terrible and unfortunate news with the hope that you will continue to pray for his family [specifically his mother, father, little brother, precious grandparents and aunt, uncle and cousin]. This family is very dear to my heart. They are of the best that I know and would do anything for me and my family. The love that they share is beautiful and I pray that it strengthens them through this difficult time.
Gig 'Em, Spence! We love you. You are precious in His sight.
With all my Heart,
Saturday, August 4, 2007
[God, please] Save Spence
a lovely prayer request from my husband:
Ladies and Gents,
I know it's late but I have a prayer request that needs some immediate attention. One of our VERY close family friend's children had a brain aneurysm this afternoon while playing in the yard outside at his house. He was taken by helicopter to TX Children's hospital in Dallas, TX but he is currently on life support. Surgeons should be operating on him any minute now - they have already drilled a hole in his skull to relieve the pressure. The child's name is Spencer and he is 7 years old and he and his family need all the love and support we can offer them right now. Please send this to everyone you know and lift this little boy and his family up in your prayers.
Thank you and God Bless,
Daniel & Sarah
Ladies and Gents,
I know it's late but I have a prayer request that needs some immediate attention. One of our VERY close family friend's children had a brain aneurysm this afternoon while playing in the yard outside at his house. He was taken by helicopter to TX Children's hospital in Dallas, TX but he is currently on life support. Surgeons should be operating on him any minute now - they have already drilled a hole in his skull to relieve the pressure. The child's name is Spencer and he is 7 years old and he and his family need all the love and support we can offer them right now. Please send this to everyone you know and lift this little boy and his family up in your prayers.
Thank you and God Bless,
Daniel & Sarah
Friday, August 3, 2007
the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of behavior, having the desire and willingness to do something.
Thank God that motivation can be influenced by anger, frustration and resentment! I know that these aren't such great, positive feelings that have been evoked in me. However, it's a GOOD THING that I'm feeling these things! The test that I'm taking tomorrow is a new start, a fresh chance to be whoever it is that I was created to be. I can't wait to take the test and I hope that I kick its' butt!
What motivated me and got me saying all this, you ask? :)
I'll tell ya in person.
Keep on praying for that test (and that the essay is compare/contrast)!
Thank God that motivation can be influenced by anger, frustration and resentment! I know that these aren't such great, positive feelings that have been evoked in me. However, it's a GOOD THING that I'm feeling these things! The test that I'm taking tomorrow is a new start, a fresh chance to be whoever it is that I was created to be. I can't wait to take the test and I hope that I kick its' butt!
What motivated me and got me saying all this, you ask? :)
I'll tell ya in person.
Keep on praying for that test (and that the essay is compare/contrast)!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Prayers and Praise
August 1, 2007
I only have a few days left to study for my ELA exam Saturday morning at 8am. PLEASE keep me in your prayers...all I need is to pass! This is one of those tests that you can't really study for material; you can only study for the types of questions that you 'll be asked. VERY frustrating. A lot of the times, all of the answers are good answers but one answer is BEST (what's with that!?). I also have to write an essay which I haven't done in years. Please pray that I'll be calm and confident and that I'll choose the right answers! :)
This is part of an email from a bride whose wedding I'll be shooting on August 18th. I sent her a box containing all of her engagment and bridal pictures and she loved it!
Rachel : "OMG!! I almost forgot! I got all of my pictures in and it was like Christmas! Kenneth and I loved them and we can't wait until we get the rest of them after the wedding so we can frame them and hang them up in the house! They're beautiful and I'm so grateful that God allowed me to find you! Thanks so much for the beautiful memories!"
Rachel and Kenneth,
THANK YOU so much for trusting me and allowing me to photograph you. I pray that your wedding is exactly as you have imagined it and that you are continually blessed by one another's love. See ya on the 18th.
Much love
I only have a few days left to study for my ELA exam Saturday morning at 8am. PLEASE keep me in your prayers...all I need is to pass! This is one of those tests that you can't really study for material; you can only study for the types of questions that you 'll be asked. VERY frustrating. A lot of the times, all of the answers are good answers but one answer is BEST (what's with that!?). I also have to write an essay which I haven't done in years. Please pray that I'll be calm and confident and that I'll choose the right answers! :)
This is part of an email from a bride whose wedding I'll be shooting on August 18th. I sent her a box containing all of her engagment and bridal pictures and she loved it!
Rachel : "OMG!! I almost forgot! I got all of my pictures in and it was like Christmas! Kenneth and I loved them and we can't wait until we get the rest of them after the wedding so we can frame them and hang them up in the house! They're beautiful and I'm so grateful that God allowed me to find you! Thanks so much for the beautiful memories!"
Rachel and Kenneth,
THANK YOU so much for trusting me and allowing me to photograph you. I pray that your wedding is exactly as you have imagined it and that you are continually blessed by one another's love. See ya on the 18th.
Much love
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