Saturday, January 4, 2014

2014: Week 1 | January 1st - 4th.

Unbelievably, we started out the new year as a couple, meaning without our Parker man. Because I've been sick he went to Cookie and Chief's for a few days so that Mama could rest. I missed him terribly and wasn't quite sure what to do with all the silence, but was thankful for an opportunity to rest and recover from a violent stomach bug. I spent the majority of two days in bed asleep and ended up sleeping so much I was sore! Parker had a great time playing at Ms. Shelli's, sleeping in Bekah's bed, flirting with Taylor, getting new pj's since Mama forgot to pack them and riding Chief's tractor. Friday night, Daniel and I went to see Saving Mr. Banks with Sarah and Nick. We enjoyed the story and were glad to get out and do something we rarely get to. This morning Daniel and I slept in and picked up the house before setting off to reunite with our Parker. We met my mom and dad in Flatonia where we were greeted with huge smiles from our big boy. It felt so wonderful to have his little arms squeeze my neck. I'm just not the same without my boy. We grabbed BBQ and visited for a little while then got back on the road to SA. The guys let me stop at Babies R Us to look at a few things and do some quick registering and we were headed home, all feeling so glad to all be under the same roof again.


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