Thursday, April 19, 2012

Parker {Happy 1st Birthday To You!}

My sweet boy,
You are one. ONE. This has been the fastest year of my life. And the greatest, most blessing filled. Sometimes I look at you and I can't believe you're mine. You were so perfectly created that it astonishes me. For real. Your cuteness alone makes me do a double take. Then there's the fact that you're smart, funny, silly and joyful. From the moment you were born, our lives have not been the same. Every single day  is absolutely wonderful because you are part of it {we definitely have rough days, but my perspective is clearer as I rock you each night and I know just how lucky I am to have you}. Tonight, I held you tight as you stood in my lap and sucked on a bottle like a little calf and I whispered to you that I'll never love anyone the way I love you. You are my first born, the boy who made me Mama. Oh my Parker...there will never be a way to say all that I feel in my heart. I am so hopeful that you will understand how absolutely loved you are.

Last night, Daddy and I blew up balloons and snuck them into your room while you were sleeping. This morning, I woke up before you and got the cameras ready. I couldn't wait to see your sweet face and wish you happy birthday. Oh, you were so cute! You LOVED your balloons. When I put you down on the floor you gasped and said "BALL". Such a thought we'd given you 25 balls for your birthday. You played and played, tossing the balls into the air and ramming them with your head so they'd fly away. We had such a fun, silly morning together. It will be one of my favorite birthday memories. We ate breakfast, watched tv, took a nap and got dressed just like any other day and then headed to your doctor's appointment. Dr. Gonzalez always goes on and on about you. She makes Mommy feel so good when she won't quit telling me how perfect and beautiful you are. Of course I completely agree. You did have to get four shots and it broke my heart to hear you cry so hard. Thankfully you let me hold you like a little boy while you drank milk from a bottle. This comforted you and we were soon okay enough to leave. I took you to Chic-fil-a for a lunch date with just Mommy. You loved the chicken dipped in BBQ sauce and kept asking me for more. For the first time, you drank from a straw in a grown up cup. Big boy! I took you to play on the indoor playground and even went down the slide with you. You grinned so big as we crawled through the tunnels. A manager treated you to an ice cream sundae with cookies that we brought home and enjoyed on the back porch with your dogs. You took an afternoon nap and then went outside to play with all your favorite friends. Everyone on Prude Ranch wished you a happy birthday and made over you. You ate popsicles with the girls and played ball in the grass with Daddy. We stayed out too late, but it's your probably could have gotten away with anything. After a sandwich and a bath, Daddy got to watch you play in your balloon filled room. You were just as excited as you were this morning and we loved seeing such a happy smile on your face. Mommy held you and rocked you and tears ran down my face as I explained to you that you are my greatest blessing. I softly sang Happy Birthday one more time, said our Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep prayer and lay my one year old boy in his bed. I find myself wondering how the first year of your life has passed so quickly and then I thank our God for HIS plan. I've been with you every single day of your life. I have seen you learn and grow into a beautiful little boy and I haven't missed a single moment. This is our greatest gift, my son.
I watched and waited for you to wake.
Dr's appointment.
After shots - still snacking.
Yummy lunch.
Time with Daddy.

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