Sweet Silly Parker ,
The rate at which you're growing has caused me to have to keep a sheet of paper on the kitchen counter so I can jot down your new tricks as I see them happen. I'm afraid to miss something! I know it's silly of Mama, but I hope that by capturing your little life in photos and making notes of all the simple things you do, you'll know a portion of how much love I have for you. The weather has been fantastic. Thank goodness for a mild winter {or none at all} and we spend a lot of time outside in the afternoons. As you get bigger, I know you'll be begging me to go outside all day! You love to ride in your new big boy truck and eat snacks out of the cup holders in the back. I like that this keeps you from crawling up and down the sidewalk and getting into the street. You definitely like to be
down like all the other kiddos. Once you are walking, I promise I'll let you run wild with everyone else.You are growing so so big and I see more and more little boy and less of my baby in you each day. I'm not sure how time continues to pass so quickly!
Eating - You eat wonderfully, when you feel like it. I realize that you have a few favorite foods that you prefer over others and try to make sure that I have those in stock, along with a healthy variety of foods. You're really particular about meat and don't love to eat it by itself { I have to hide it in foods like applesauce and yogurt }. You still drink milk and water throughout the day. I'm gearing up to take the bottle away pretty soon - don't know how you'll like that.
Sleeping - You area a beautiful sleeper! You still take that great 2 hour morning nap when we're home and then sometimes sleep an hour or so in the afternoon. I don't push the length of the afternoon nap. When you wake, we go outside to play until Daddy gets home.
Measurements - You weigh 22 pounds.
Things You Do -
- crawl around the house looking for me and find me by my voice when I call out to you
- know when you're thirsty and search for your bottle or sippy cup
- feed dogs whatever it is that you're eating. you get in trouble for this at dinner time
- play with tupperware throughout the day. i just leave it out because i know you're going to go back to it.
- put things in baskets and take them out.
- stacking objects {they don't necessarily have to fit on top of one another}
- you started walking along furniture and can now transfer from one piece to another without having to sit down
- say Da-da! this melts your Daddy's heart!
- drive EVERYTHING, no matter the object. your sound effects are getting better.
- wave hi and bye-bye
- drive your tractor around, with one knee up
This Happened-
- you fell off the couch for the first time
- you ate dog food from Honey's bowl
- you got your head stuck in a stool at Emma & Ellie's house
- you found the back porch and crawled out there all on your own
- you got your first fever! 100.9
- you had your first surgery - your ear tag was removed.
You Like -
- playing before bedtime
- music
Mama Loves -
- when you crawl into my lap and drink your morning bottles while we snuggle and watch tv. these moments are more and more rare so i love when you initiate them.