Sunday, May 29, 2011

Five Generations.

For the first week and a half of his life, Parker man had a great grandmother we called Bebe. Sadly, he never got to meet her. We'd planned on taking him to visit this weekend while we were in ETX for Eli's graduation. Instead, Bebe was called to Heaven and Parker had the pleasure of meeting his great-great-great Uncle Winfred, one of Bebe's younger brothers. Winfred and Vivian so kindly allow us to stay with them every time we visit ETX - whether they are home or not. Wink asked for a five generation photo so we stepped outside for a few quick pics. I hope Parker gets to continue to visit his Uncle Wink so that they can laugh together as we did when I was young. Wink is so full of spunk and is always so happy!
parker - 150
Baba, Cookie and Park
parker - 153
Parker is the new generation.
parker - 152
parker - 151
parker - 154

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