Friday, April 22, 2011


After almost no sleep, Daniel and I somehow managed to scrape ourselves together for Parker's first pediatrician's appointment. His bilirubin count had been high at the hospital and the doctors there wanted us to have another count done today. In order to get out the door on time, I threw on a tshirt and glasses and didn't put on any makeup. Ha! I never leave home without looking presentable and after one night at home with my Parker, I don't even know if I brushed my teeth! Though we didn't see the pediatrician we'd planned on, we absolutely fell in love with Dr. Yu. She's so personable and best of all, the practice is a Christian group. I feel completely at home there and trust her entirely with the care of my son. Poor Parker boy was weighed, measured, pricked and probed. He weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces, just a little smaller than yesterday. On the way home, Daniel stopped at Target so that I could quickly grab a few things we needed. It felt great to run around Target like a crazy woman, even if just for 15 minutes. We had quite the first night at home, but now that the sun was up, I was feeling much better. Parker fell asleep in his car seat so we put him in his pack n' play in some sun light to try and help get rid of some of the yellow. Because Honey wasn't feeling well and I wasn't in a position to clean up after a sick dog and take care of a newborn, I enlisted help from Mom. Honey was being shipped back to Navasota for the week. Once Mom got to my house, we loved on Parker, picked up the house in preparation for more visitors the following day and gave Parker his first bath. He HATED it and cried the entire time! Once he was lotioned and wearing some footed jammies, he fell asleep so sweetly in his crib.

Today's Events:
1st pediatrician appointment
1st bath

parker - 14parker - 15parker - 16parker - 17

1 comment:

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Love the pictures...and my first little is a PARKER