Sunday, April 24, 2011

First Easter

Today is Parker man's first holiday. We aren't leaving the house today, but our hearts are filled with love and joy on the day that the Lord arose! There's much life to celebrate in this house. First, Parker got to meet his great Granddaddy Sam today. Sam thinks Parker is a "good looking" boy. He's designed a brand for Parker and intends to give him his first heifer. Parker's in the cattle business at just a few days old! Daniel's mom, sister and brother in law were already in town so my family joined us at our house for an Easter lunch of brisket, baked potato salad, green beans, rolls and way too much dessert. We had a wonderful time sitting and talking and staring at our precious boy. There were LOTS of porch pictures this Easter.
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Getting checked out by his great granddad.
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Aunt Sarabeth and Uncle Justin
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Four generations of HANDSOME men in my life! Ahhh, I love these men.
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Great Granddaddy Sam and Great Parker
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This picture makes me tear up...I love the way my Daddy and Parker's daddy are looking at my precious son.
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Four generations.
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Our first Easter as a family.
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Aunt Bekah left work early to nap with Parker man.

Today's events:
1st Easter
Met Granddaddy Sam
Slept through first diaper change

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