Monday, September 27, 2010

Lily Turns One

One year ago today, we stood in the hospital waiting room, anxious to meet the sweet little girl we'd loved since we learned she existed. Jim and Liz are two of our absolute favorite people in Houston. They're the kind of friends that instantly become family. One year ago, we looked into Lily's eyes and were completely smitten. I can't explain what an honor it has been to see her experience life over the past 12 months. I love that we've been there as she challenged her parents with reflux, finally found contentment, sat up, cut teeth, ate finger foods, scooted all over the floor, played in the pool, formed the cutest personality, learned to wave, smiled when we walked into the room...oh, we're so lucky to have shared life with her.
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Lily girl, you have brought us so much joy. We love that you know us. We love that you're so smart and precious. We love that God has given you the BEST parents. We love that they share you with us like we're really "Uncle Dan and Aunt Sarah". We can't wait to see you live year #2.
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