Pregnancy Highlights for the Week: Going to the doctor to see/hear the baby's heartbeat!
How Far Along: 7 weeks 5 days
Fruit/Veggie: A Raspberry
For Men: Baby is the size of the power button on your TV remote
Size: 1 inch
Movement: None yet
Baby Changes: Lips, nose, eyelids, legs, and back are taking shape.
Best Moment this week: Seeing the heartbeat blinking on the monitor. What relief! I'm so thrilled to know that everything is okay.
Gender: Can't wait to find out!
Name: Still waiting on the perfect names to come to us.
Food/Drink Craving: Wings N' More cheese fries, which Daniel treated me to after our appointment. LOVE that it is right around the corner.
Sleep: Sleeping pretty hard for a few hours, then waking to go potty at least 2x a night. The worst is when I can't fall back to sleep or I'm BURNING hot!
Maternity Clothes: Purchased the Be Bands to wear over my pants. Nothing fits right now; it's super frustrating. I bought a large pair of blue jeans at Target that aren't maternity but they fit over my rear.
What I am looking forward to: Feeling the baby move, finding out the sex!
Symptoms: Some nausea the first few hours I'm awake. It's usually better once I get to school. I wasn't as tired this week as I have been the first 2 weeks of school. I'm HUNGRY several times during the day and my poor students have to watch me eat in front of them.