Tuesday, September 2, 2008

No Need To Rush

I need to call out throughout the rain.
Many posts are coming your way...I promise to make them lighter in spirit.
I just can't seem to get over the idea of Em's face not being at the top of my blog. If it's ok with you, I may just have to put a picture of her on here for awhile.

My head is so jumbled up with a million thoughts and feelings that I'd love to pour out on "paper". The reason you haven't heard from me is because I think I'm hesitant to face it all for fear of having a meltdown. It's not that I don't want to feel anything. I just don't want to hurt. I hate heartache. Crazy thing is, it reminds me of an incredible love that I've shared. Right now, I'm praying through the pain and I feel like that really is what will work best for me. I feel alone. I feel as though no one understands my hurt or the the burden that I carry for the rest of my family. I'm sad and angry. I'm disappointed. I'm celebrating. I'm confused. I'm remembering. I'm trying not to forget her voice or her bright eyes. I'm crying. I'm hoping for healing.

I pray protection over my family. I pray for my aunt and uncle's marriage, that it be rock solid throughout learning how to live without their only daughter. I pray that they turn to one another rather than shut one another out. I pray that they be a comfort and as source of healing for one another. I pray for my cousin Eli who is now an only child. I ask the Lord to soften his heart and his spirit, to provide him with wisdom, to make him more responsible and wise. In times of loneliness or when you need a "sister" to call you names or chew you out...Hannah, Bekah and I are here for you. Dear God, please let good come of this. Send Laura babies. Let Baby Mac be a sweet, healthy boy. Bless us all for many years to come. Draw us nearer to you. Teach us to live out your will for our lives. Encourage us not to be lazy in our relationships with you. Save our souls so that we may all spend eternity loving on one another. Show us your purpose so that we may honor and glorify you in an awesome and mighty way. You have shaken us and have proven that you are unshakable. Thank you God for knowing my name. Thank you for collecting my tears. Thank you for hearing my cries. Thank you for my hunger to live out Something Real.

Thank you God for protecting Daniel today. Please continue to keep him safe on the road.
Be RESPONSIBLE drivers. Wear your seatbelt. Don't talk on the phone if you don't have to. Don't text. Slow down! Once you're late...you're already late. Love, Emily.


Rebekah Wilson said...

Sarah- I love you very much. Keep remembering Emily and continue to talk about her and speak her name. Look at pictures of her. That's all we can do because she is no longer here. I miss her so much I wish that I could go back in time and erase all that has happend in the past two weeks. I love you and Hannah so much and I do not know what I would do without either of you. I am like you. . .I do not understand why God took Emily from us. Why did my little cousin have to leave me? Why did she have to go? I still can't believe that she is dead. I am so sad and angry, and alone. But Shannion told me this morning that Emily is always with me. So you have to believe that she is with you to. I love you Sarah. Love, Bek >i<

Anonymous said...

What you are dealing with must be incredibly hard.
I have been praying for your family. I was touched by all the messages on her website from friends and family. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose my brother. I pray for Eli.
Time will heal, but it just takes time.
Stay strong.

Enoch Photography said...

Sarah, my heart hurts for you and your family during this time. I will be praying for you and your family - I am so sorry to hear about this tragedy.