Monday, September 8, 2008

Losing Everything

July 29, 2008
Late that night, I got a text message from my sweet aunt. Let me just tell aunts are like my big sisters. Sisters of any kind are everything to me. When people are everything to me, I'll turn my world upside down for them, I'll cry for them, I'll pray over them, I'll go through hell for them. On this particular night, 27 year old Justin Burger had passed away. Justin just so happens to be the love of someone's life. That someone is everything to me. Without a doubt in my mind, I wanted to be with my aunt as soon as I could. I wanted to hold her hand if she needed it. I wanted to let her cry on me if she needed it. I wanted to pray over her even if she didn't know it. I wanted to take her hurt away. I wanted it to be someone else's pain and heartache. I wanted her to be happy and excited about her future, not confused and saddened. On the day of Justin's funeral, I did the hardest thing I'd ever done. I held someone while they grieved the loss of a friend, a lover, a soul mate.

Justin was a cowboy so a team roping memorial was set up to honor his life and bless someone elses.
Justin's saddle.
This was a rough week...I think it was two days later that we buried our great-uncle. Thank goodness he'd lived a long and happy life. Uncle Bruce and Aunt Ann were married 60 years!


5 Chicks and a Farmer said...


I'm so sorry. I know you and some you love have been experiencing tons of loss lately.

Its never easy. It always hurts. And its hard to understand.

Thank the Lord we have an amazing God who is sovereign and makes no mistakes. We have to trust that truth.

I pray that good comes from these tragedies and people will have a sense of urgency and need for a Savior. He is our only Hope and source of comfort. There is a void in our hearts that can only be filled by him.

I'm here if you need me friend.

Love you girl.

Brandi Tejeda said...

Your family has lost so many in the last few weeks. My heart and my prayers really go out to you and yours. The pictures are beautiful and are such a sweet tribute to him. Stay strong. Stay close to God. Stay Sarah. ((HUG))